Friday, February 24, 2012

These units bronchial ends at the time known

Bullous emphysema is a disease associated with air bags inside the lungs. Before explaining bullous emphysema, it is important that a good understanding of the human respiratory process. As we all know when we breathe, air passes through the nose, and then enters the windpipe and eventually goes down in the bronchi. These bronchi serve an important task of regulating the flow of air into the lungs. Inhale air moves in and out of lungs through these bronchi. Careful study of the respiratory system shows that the bronchi form a tree structure within the lungs. Two of the bronchus, which includes the left and right lungs respectively to expand, thus the way for the smaller bronchi. These units bronchial ends at the time known as air sacs (alveoli) that appear as a bunch of grapes. Believe it or not, but our lungs contain about 600 million alveoli. The majority of air bags should go inhaled oxygen in the blood, which then spread throughout the body. Now? The study of emphysema show that, in bullous emphysema air bags appear enlarged. Inflammation of the air bag limit of oxygen in the blood. In other words, the body is deprived of his daily intake of oxygen. "Bulla" the word literally means abnormal growth of skin filled with fluid. However, in emphysema bullosa, bull refers to the development of large air filled space in the alveoli. The presence of abnormal air space is filled to increase the size of the alveoli. In this condition, alveoli appear enlarged and overwhelmed by their standards, eventually causing rupture of the alveoli. Bullous emphysema is one of many types of chronic obstructive lung disease, and in some cases requiring urgent treatment. Bullous emphysema symptoms at the initial stage, the victim can not feel any symptoms, but by gradual advances, breathing problems can occur. When the inflammation extends to a large number of air sacs, emphysema symptoms become messy. Difficulty breathing is a sign that the inflammation of the air sacs prevent normal functioning of the lungs. In addition to breathing problems, a person may complain of chest pain. This discomfort in the chest may be constant or occur intermittently, depending on severity. As the condition worsens, a person may develop a cough producing sputum. The patient may also suffer from shortness of breath, which is nothing but a kind of noise when breathing. Persistent wheezing associated with diseases of the respiratory tract and often indicates a narrowing of the airways. Bullous emphysema causes in most cases, people with a diagnosis of bullous emphysema have the habit of smoking.

cats immune system
Viral and bacterial infections of lungs such as bronchitis may lead to bullous emphysema. In chronic bronchitis, pipes through which air moves freely in and out of the lungs are not working properly. This is because in this state, the walls of the pipe swollen that the narrowing of the airways in the lungs. Thus, inhaling air through the airway partially blocked and can make the air sacs become inflamed. Air pollution is another problem we face today in their daily lives that can lead to lung damage and eventually cause bullous emphysema. Bullous emphysema Treatment Although bullous emphysema treatment depends on the underlying disease, the main goal is to reduce inflammation of the air sacs and correct violations of airflow from the lungs. Bacterial infection of the lungs caused by emphysema bullosa is usually treated with antibiotics. To reduce the size of inflamed air sacs, steroids in the form of inhalers, may be offered. If bullous emphysema has reached lasix dosing an advanced stage, a person can suffer from collapsed lungs, a condition in which there is abnormal accumulation of air in the space between the chest wall and lungs. This limits the ability of the lungs to increase the breathing. Doctors believe this condition is a serious problem in such cases, surgery is performed to remove abnormal air to grow. Treatment of respiratory problems will not work if some pros and cons followed. Studies show that smoking may reduce bullous emphysema prognosis. Thus, smokers who are serious about improving bullosa emphysema symptoms no choice but to quit. This is a prerequisite for treatment to work effectively. .

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