Friday, February 24, 2012

Many people do not realize they have osteoporosis

Many people do not realize they have osteoporosis until they are bone. There are usually no other symptoms, although some older people may find that they get a little shorter or have stooped on posture. In elderly people with osteoporosis are prone to special risk of violating the hip if they fall. What does the doctor? If the doctor suspects osteoporosis, he or she will speak with the person and make an examination. The doctor prescribe

patient bone and bone density testing. Once the doctor is sure of osteoporosis lasix 200 mg, he or she will treat the patient, to prevent more bone loss. Typically, a person with osteoporosis is on medications that help slow bone loss and also advised to take calcium. Diet is an important part of treatment of osteoporosis. People need a variety of healthy, calcium-rich foods and regular exercise such as walking or running, strengthening bones. Weight training or special exercises may be recommended. People should also be careful to avoid falling, thus avoiding ice sidewalks and other hazards is a good idea. Can children get osteoporosis? Children do not usually get osteoporosis, but they can do some things to prevent it later in life:

Eat a well balanced diet, especially foods rich in calcium (eg milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits). Be active. In other words, play a lot! Sports, running, jumping and dancing that you enjoy doing. Do not smoke.catabolism and anabolism Take these steps and your skeleton will thank you later! Name of.

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